it is 2am and i am wearing my favorite slip dress
the sheer black silk clings to my hips
like a child to her mother
the curves within roaming free.
i lift the hem to allow the lazy july breeze
between my thighs like an old lover
and i am smiling as i cross the street.
tonight i will pass the corner where i blow kisses at the bodega cat
and i will make it to the stretch of brick wall
whose murals change like the weather
and i will stand in the middle of the street to get a better look at the newest additions.
i will not hold my keys Wolverine-style between my fingers tonight.
i will not shrink myself at the sight of another's shadow - especially the big ones
i will hum harvest moon as i look up at my very own, almost full
and i will smile
not because He tells me to but because i am happy.