I, too, threw my
head back too far
& into the puddle
of fucking infinity
Shivering & complete
---a pane of glass
rapidly multiplying bacteria
No this is not an ode
to the human genome
An orange agent disappeared
as though swallowed fire
quibbling over seeping
A blue black sunset
from a blue gold mesa
& we merely the ones
pointing & grunting
Each iota spun out, dropping
the stomach of every atom
flipped over, churned
into a new gravitation
& yet as such it all settled
into an inevitable groove
& stasis, so silent so
ultimately crystallized
It was laughable
useless altogether
to flail for meaning
Which one felt receding
like the archetypically lit
electric constellations
of a city one did not know
& flew from at night
Renunciation of the shaven babe @ the vernal solstice
Micaela Foley is an herbalist and writer living in providence, rhode island. she has published several chapbooks, including Eight, Pharmacopoeia of held space, and Fevers tartar. her work has been published in The Recluse, harlequin creature, MUSH/MUM, and Moonsick Magazine, among others.