My mother would describe it as a gut feeling that you can't get away from-- a voice telling you to go one way or another when you're weighing things in the mind. Intuition, if you believe and follow it, can be a very powerful tool or a great hindrance depending on how you utilize it. Many times just before making a decision I knew would change the status quo of my life, I would be gripped with an intense and heightened sense of reality.
Intuition plays a big role in the creative process. It allows for entire areas of creativity to be opened up in ways that normally would be closed to you, in the absence of it. A writer has intuition as a main ingredient in his or her toolkit. It is the wax that fills in gaps as you're trying to piece a story together. Certain things feel like they belong in the story, other things do not. All the best stories have a similar intrinsic quality. There is a flow to the way they move a force that permeates through them. There is a stark difference between the stories that have it and those that do not, especially in the realm of fantasy.
Through the use of intuition, tools in writing like foreshadowing is amplified to a degree that changes the landscape of your own writing. I draw my most useful threads and ideas from dreams which rests solely in the realm of intuition. Your brain, being the superpowered computer sponge that it is, records, stores, and compiles all of your daily experience, anything from conversations to complex thoughts, daydreams and bits of conversations you heard. All this goes into the mold of your subconscious and is pressed and condensed into the auditory and visual experience we call a dream.
Writing fantasy is quite literally the building of a world, one that runs on different rules and principles. Intuition is the lifeblood of such stories. The author has to develop the concept and characters in the story to the point that he or she can intuitively move between them and create new ideas in the narrative that adhere to the vein of the story.
I love writing in general for this reason. It feels good when I'm chasing down an idea and it begins to flow the right way, because my understanding of the concepts have reached a point that my intuition kicks in and the very act of creating becomes much easier and fluid. Intuition is a multi-faceted thing that permeates our entire lives. From romantic situations to business and everyday social existence, it's the hidden backbone we use to base our decisions off of. It's the nudge we need when standing on the precipice of decision, and the energy we thank when saved from horror by its grace.