My city is a lonely place
Too many people I guess.
I walk along the city street
Under the skyscraper's feet
And I feel small, small inside
And cold and silent - I want to hide
Away at home
All tense I am I can't relax
No trees no grass but railroad tracks
On which the noise and smoke
Of coming trains laugh at the joke
Of me who pass so many by without a smile
And dare not stop and talk awhile
Of things which don't amount to much
But just because I like the face of such
As you who pass me by
My city is a lonely place
Too many people, I guess.
“I haven't felt lonely since i was a teenager when I wrote this poem which I think pretty much expresses what I felt then. Since, I have been alone most of the time:: alone in the studio and alone in the field but never lonely.”
Chuck Edelson was born in Chicago on Oct. 8th 1929. His childhood was overshadowed by the Great Depression and World War II. His first loves were books, movies and music A high school teacher encouraged him to develop latent art skills. After a short an unsatisfying university experience, driven by news of the holocaust of the Jews in Europe, he left the U.S,A for a pioneering life in the new state of Israel where he and his family farmed the land. Along with his work as a farmer he continued his creative side painting and sculpting mainly themes from the bible and the holocaust. Now retired from farm work he still sculpts, draws and of late has begun to write poetry after few and far between attempts in the past.
Copyright belongs to the creator. .